CALL FOR ENTRIES: 2016 CAAFA Exhibition and Symposium

2018-03-27 00:55:25
Call for entries: Vision and Perspective: Chinese-American Art Faculty Exhibition and Symposium

Submission deadline: May 15, 2016

Exhibition: August 6- September 30, 2016

Symposium: August 5-August 10, 2016

Organized by: Chinese-American Art Faculty Association of the USA; Guizhou Nationalities University, China; Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University, USA

Sponsored by: The Artists Association of Guizhou Province; Honglicheng Group of Guizhou Province, China

Advised by: UNESCO; Chinese Artists Association; China National Academy of Painting

I. Exhibition:
Vision and Perspective: Chinese-American Art Faculty Exhibition
Dates: August 6- September 30, 2016
Location: Guizhou Hongli Cheng Art Museum, Guiyang, China

a. Curators:
Chen, Lusheng, Deputy Director, China National Museum
WANG, Jianshan, Dean of the Art College, Guizhou Nationalities University
Hong, Licheng, Director, Honglicheng Art Museum of Guizhou Province

b. Eligibility:
This call is open to all Chinese-American art faculty who currently teach at North American universities and colleges working in all 2D media. Work must be original. Entry fee $50.

c. Selection of Awards
1) The exhibition committee and Guizhou Honglicheng Art Museum have decided following awards categories:
1) Best of show- (one cash award of 20,000 RMB)
2) Gold metal – (4 cash award of 15,000 RMB)
3) Silver metal – (8 cash award of 10,000 RMB)
4) Bronze metal –(16 cash award of 5000 RMB)
All prize-winning works will be automatically collected by the museum and award certificate and permanent collection certificate will be issued to the artists.

2) All exhibition works will be framed by the museum. All works (except the awarded pieces) will be returned to artists after the exhibition. The returning shipping will be sponsored by the museum and exhibition committee.

3) A full colored exhibition catalogue listing all selected works and a directory of the artists represented will be published. One copy of the catalogue will be distributed to each exhibiting artist.

4) The exhibition committee and museum will provide the lodging, hotel arrangement, meals and other transportation services in Guiyang, Guizhou province between Aug.5-Agu.10.

Exhibition Requirement:
All art works submitted to the show must be created in the last five years.
Due to the exhibition space and transportation restraints, only 2-Dimentional, or installation works can be shipped as 2-D can be accepted to the exhibition. Work size at lest one side should not be exceed 50”. Film work should be not over 15 minuets, and images must be .mp4 or .mov format with HD。

II. Vision and Perspective: Chinese-American Art Faculty Symposium
Time: August 5, 2016 to August 10, 2016
Location: Guizhou Nationalities University
This symposium will be held at Quizhou Mingzu University, Guiyang, China. The symposium organization committee cordially invites proposals for panel discussion and individual presentation.
Symposium Topics:
1. From culture perspective to discovering the difference between east and west in art education and forms;
2. Cross boundary practice and imagination: analysis of artistic perception and vision in contemporary east-west artistic creation;
3. Contemporary art in the cross boundary east-west cultural context and integration and elevation of contemporary art in the context of the new century, and multicultural and multiethnic environments;
4. The future challenges and opportunities in employment, culture appreciation, and business development for art students in both east and west.

5. Creating collaborative endeavors in east west art education.

III. Submission for exhibition, catalog and symposium:
a. Timelines:
May15, 2016, Deadline for entry submissions
May30, 2016, Notice of acceptance
July 5, 2016, Deadline for accept of selected works, catalog is ready for printing
July 25, 2016, Art works framed and catalog printed
August 5-August 10, 2016, Symposium date
August 6, 2016, Exhibition opening reception and award ceremony
September 30, 2016, Exhibition closed
November 15, 2016, Works returned

b. Guidelines:
Please complete the following information in both Chinese and English by May 15, 2016.
1. Entry Form
2. $50 registration fee (Check to: Chinese-American Art Faculty Association)
3. A CD containing six (6) images: a personal portrait photo for exhibition and printing catalog. Images must be Tiff format, 5 MB with 300dpi or bigger.
4. Image list including title, media, dimension and date for each piece.
5. Artist Bio (Chinese and English each 200 words)
6. A proposal for Symposium (500 words abstract of a preferred panel topic, including a title in Chinese or English.)

For the materials #1 and #2, you have to mail to us, for the materials #3-#6 you have 3 other send options.
1st Option: You can send via upload Link, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
2nd Option: You can compress all your materials in your computer (Zip/Rar Files) and send directly via email.
3rd Option: You can copy all materials into a CD or USB and mail it to Ling Xiao

Please note that all materials must be shipped to:
Attn: Ling Xiao, Center for Chinese Art at William Paterson University
B-100 Ben Shahn Center for the Visual Arts
300 Pompton Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
Tel:1-973 720 2799;;, or

c. Shipping and Insurance
Final exhibition accepting notice will be sent to the artists by May 30th, 2016. Artist is responsible to mail their works by July 5th, 2016. All work frames will be provided by the museum. Considering the expensive insurance fees, please put all insured works under $200. All shipping and insurance upon arrival to China Customs will be provided by the museum. All detailed rules and information will be sent along with the exhibition notice later.

d. Contact Information:
For questions about this exhibition and symposium, contact CCART Ms. Ling Xiao at 1-973 720 2799, Email:; Website:

展览: 2016年8月6日-9月10日

主办单位:全美华人美术教授协会,贵州民族大学, 美国威廉帕特森大学中国艺术中心
协办: 贵州省美术家协会, 中国贵州宏立城集团
指导: 联合国教科文组织, 中国美术家协会, 中国国家画院

一. 展览: 视觉与视野:全美华人美术教授作品展览

a. 策展人

b. 参展和研讨会艺术家背景资格
海外参展的艺术家都是全美华人美术教授协会的成员, 他们来自美国和加拿大等北美高等院校的华人美术教授,也是中国史上第一批站在西方艺术讲坛上的华人艺术教授群体。他们大多接受了东西美术的双重文化和艺术教育和薰陶,活跃在中国和美国主流艺术领域和高等艺术教育讲坛。

c. 展览参展与评奖:
1. 展览会评选最佳美术作品奖作品1件(奖金2万),金奖作品4件(奖金1.5万),银奖作品8件(奖金1万), 铜奖16件(奖金5千)。获奖作品由主办美术馆收藏, 并颁发授奖证书和收藏证书。未获奖作品,或参展本人不同意参加评奖作品,参展后由主办方统一退回。
2. 所有作品由主办方统一装框,未获奖作品国际和国内回寄费用由主办方负责。
3. 所有入选作品将入选展览画册,作者免费获赠一本图录。
4. 主办方对与会者和参展作者提供8月5日-8月10日展览和会议期间的食宿和交通免费待遇。

d. 展览作品评选要求:
展览要求是作者近5年的作品,作品媒体要求是2度空间的艺术作品(如油画, 国画,版画,摄影,数码创作,装置(可平面运输)影视动画等原创原件。

d. 展览作品要求:
作品要求为艺术家近5年来的创作,平面作品和装置作品(如绘画、摄影、数字图像、影视、动画等作品原件;若装置作品必须可以平面运输。)作品尺寸其中一边不超过50英寸,影像作品要求长度不超过15分钟,高清(HD)精度,文件格式为 .mp4或者.mov。


1.从中美文化对比的角度,来看待东西方艺术教育和形式的差异;2. 跨界实践:当今东西方的艺术视觉与视野;3. 东西跨文化语境中的当代艺术以及在新世纪,多文化,多民族环境中的现代艺术的融合与升华;4. 中西方在大學藝術專修學士和碩士的走向趨勢、就業機會、市場實用性以及文化價值 ;5. 共建中西艺术教育平台: 第一、中美两校间的具体合作、文化交流、共同培训、专家互访。第二、共同出版展览、申请研究课题。第三、文化与艺术品的演绎发展 。

a. 时间与日程:
2016年5月15日 电子图像作品和作品资料收件截止
2016年5月30日 入选通知发出
2016年7月05日 作品收件截止,展览图录送印刷厂制版,校对和印刷
2016年7月25日 作品装框结束,图录印刷完成
2016年8月5日-8月10日, 研讨会
2016年8月6日 展览开幕和授奖
2016年9月30日 展览闭幕

b. 提交文件清单
下列文件请于5月15日之前按照要求和时间寄送美国威廉帕特森大学中国艺术中心肖玲,电话:1-973 720 2799; 电子邮件。 该中心将统一汇总寄送评委会。
1. 注册表格.
2. 50 美元注册费(研讨会或展览注册只交一次,支票抬头写:Chinese-American Art Faculty Association)。
3. 一个光碟包含6幅作品图像,一张个人近照供展览评选和图录出版使用。图像必须是 Tiff format, 5 MB with 300dpi 以上. 影像作品要求长度不超过15分钟,高清(HD)精度,文件格式为 .mp4 或者 .mov。
4. 作品清单包栝中英文作品标题,画种,日期,尺寸
5. 艺术家简介 (中英文各200字)
6. 研讨会发言提纲 (中文或英文500字的发言提要和主题,包栝标题)

c. 展览作品运输和保险

d. 联系信息:
电话:1-973 720 2799, 电子邮件:; 网址: