Lian Duan 段炼
Senior Lecturer
Modern Chinese Program
Concordia University
段炼,成都人,美术学博士、文学博士,曾任教于四川大学、纽约州立大学等校,现为加拿大康科迪亚大学高级讲师及中文项目负责人,讲授中国文学与视觉文化,研究批评理论与方法,从事艺术评论与文学写作。近 30年来发表有学术论文、文艺评论、散文随笔等三百余篇,出版有各类著作 12部,计有《艺术与精神分析》(1987)、《世纪末的艺术反思》(1998)、《海外看风景》(2003)、《跨文化美术批评》(2004)、《触摸艺术》(2008)、《观念与形式》(2009)、《诗学的蕴意结构》(2009)、《视觉的愉悦与挑战》(2010)、《有狼的风景》(2011)、《图像丛林》(2012)、《艺术学经典文献导读书系·视觉文化卷》(2012),《视觉文化与视觉艺术符号学》(2014)等。近年为纽约大都会艺术博物馆、纽约林肯表演艺术中心、华盛顿史密松国家博物院编校中文导览,曾长期为纽约中文《世界日报》写作文化专栏,为重庆《当代美术家》杂志写作批评专栏。目前撰写英文专著《艺术史符号学》与《中国当代艺术史》。
Lian Duan, born in Chengdu, Sichuan, received classical training in drawing and painting in China, earned MA and PhD in comparative literature in China, and MA and PhD in art education in Canada. He taught Chinese literature and art at SUNNY-Albany, Williams College, and other colleges in the United States from 1998 to 2004. In the recent 10 years, he is a senior lecturer and coordinator in Chinese at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Since mid-1980s he has published extensively on art and literature. In the last 5 years he wrote a column on cross-cultural issues for the New York-based Chinese newspaper “World Journal” and a column of art criticism for the magazine “Contemporary Artists” (Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts). So far he has published 12 books on art and literature, he is currently writing two books in English, Semiotics for Art History and History of Contemporary Chinese Art. In the recent years he has served as proof-reading editor of the Chinese translations of “Museum Guide” for The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC.